Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
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1 Resultado de traducción para to buckle en español


buckle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
buckled, has buckled, is buckling, buckles
abrochar; combarse, torcerse, doblarse (dícese de las rodillas); combar, torcer

Ejemplos de uso de
buckle verb

  • She buckled the horses into their harness.
  • The pavement buckled in the heat.
  • My knees started to buckle whenever I had to pass through that dark scary alley.

Sinónimos de
buckle verb

Traducción inversa para to buckle

abrochar  - to button, to fasten 
combarse  - to bend, to buckle, to warp, to bulge, to sag 
doblarse  (dícese de las rodillas) - to fold up, to double over, to give in, to yield 
combar  - to bend, to curve 
torcer  - to bend, to twist, to turn, to sprain, to turn (a corner), to wring, to wring out, to distort 
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